

How to cool your home when you have a boiler system? Spacepak or Ductless

At The Boiler Guys we often get this question across our desk.  How do you cool a home when you a have a boiler and no ducts?  Make sure you call The Boiler Guys for the proper advice.  Many HVAC Technicans are not advanced enough in the hydronic field to give you the right solutions [...]

Boiler vs. Furnace – which is more efficient?

  Boilers are the most efficient systems in the world that you can get for your home. Even a mid efficient boiler ends up being more efficient than a high efficient furnace because  of heating water vs hating the air.  Air holds no heat.  When you heat air, it cools instantly, this is why furnaces are [...]

By |July 22nd, 2017|boilers|0 Comments

Why we use the boilers we choose in Toronto?

We choose the best quality boilers in Toronto. We work with reliable manufacturers who offer the best customer support.   At The Boiler Guys you get Excellent Customer Service! We wanted to share a recent customer experience with you! We were called to a special build four hours away from Toronto to a high end [...]

By |July 18th, 2017|boilers|0 Comments